The Biocidal Product Regulations 2008 (BPR) are a set of European Union law designed to strengthen the Biocidal Products Regulation which was enacted in 2004. The Biocidal Product Regulations 2008 (BPR) implement a new approval system, which simplifies the approval process for biocidal products. Biocidal products that meet the BPR criteria can be simply registered without the need to proceed through an approval process. Biocidal products that do not meet the requirements of the Biocidal product regulations will require an approval process.
It is helpful for readers to understand what makes a biocide different from other chemicals that are used in industry or daily life, because they may be exposed to biocides indirectly and not be aware of it. Biocides are chemicals that can kill living organisms, while other chemicals are not harmful to living things. Biocides can be appropriately used in the following applications:
Biocidal products include biocidal substances and biostatic products. Biocide substances are compounds or mixtures of compounds, which under normal conditions have an effect on microorganisms, plants or animals in a way that kills them or prevents their growth. Biostatic agents do not kill microorganisms but affect their growth by preventing them from reproducing (i.e slowing down their reproductive process). Biocides have limited toxicity for humans as well.
There is a difference between organic and non-organic biocidal product regulations . Organic BPR is for Biocidal products that contain Biocidal substances, which are biodegradable and not persistent in the environment. Non-organic BPR is for Biocidal products where Biocides are non-biodegradable and persistent in the environment.
Non-organic Biocide products have a higher risk profile because they are more likely to be harmful to humans, animals or plants if misused. Biocidal product regulations aim to ensure these risks associated with non-organic Biocides are minimized by ensuring all manufacturers of Biocidal Products register their products so end users can see what types of Biocides are available within the market place. The manufacturer will need to ensure that they reach the Biocidal product regulations conformity criteria in order for their Biocides to reach the market.
The Biocidal Product Regulations 2008 (BPR) are about ensuring that Biocidals on the market place meet certain standards and if they do not, then preventing them from reaching the marketplace. Biocide manufacturers are also required by Biocidal product regulations to provide information on how consumers can handle Biocidal products safely. It is important for all Biocide users or potential users of biocide products to understand what type of information is required by GB BPR Biocide regulations (Biocide Users).
Product approval process: Under GB BPR there are 2 types of approval systems available for Biocides – simplified system where Biocides can be registered without an approval process and full Biocide product regulations where Biocides will need to go through the Biocidal Product Approval Process.
Conformity assessment: Under Biocidal product regulations all Biocidals must meet the conformity criteria before they are allowed onto the market place. Biocide manufacturers must make sure that Biocidals meet conformity criteria in order for them to reach the market place.
The GB BPR Biocide Products Regulations have set out a general conformity of safety requirements, which are relevant for all biocidal products no matter what type of system is used and regardless of whether Biocidal Products come under simplified or full registration systems. All GB BPR declared substances in Biostatic Biocides must also meet Biostatic product regulations safety requirements. They are the same for Biostatistics and Biocidals.