pH Plus – Sodium Carbonate Posted on

Importance of Balancing Hot Tub & Pool pH

pH Plus – Sodium Carbonate

Your hot tub and pool pH levels are important to maintaining for a number of reasons. Not only will it keep your water looking and feeling great, but it will also help extend the life of your equipment. Let’s take a look at why pH levels are so important, and how you can make sure yours are balanced.… Read More

Calcium Chloride Flakes Bulk Pallet Posted on

What is calcium hardness and why is it important?

Calcium Chloride Flakes Bulk Pallet

You’ve probably heard of calcium hardness if you have a swimming pool. But what is it exactly? And why is it important?

Calcium hardness measures the water’s ability to resist changes in pH. The higher the calcium hardness, the less likely the water will experience sudden pH changes.Read More