Bromine is a chemical that has been used for years in spas, hot tubs, and swimming pools to help control bacteria growth. Bromine can be found in liquid form or as Bromine granules. Bromine granules are easier to use because they do not need to be diluted with water before use.… Read More
Consequences of not using BPR products
Should a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer that sells biocidal products don’t comply with BPR regulations, then the United Kingdom by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) can assess hefty fines on the violator, and it doesn’t stop there. The violator chain goes up through the manufacturer to the distributor to the retailer that provides the non-BPR-regulated products.… Read More
GB BPR Biocidal Product Regulations
The Biocidal Product Regulations 2008 (BPR) are a set of European Union law designed to strengthen the Biocidal Products Regulation which was enacted in 2004. The Biocidal Product Regulations 2008 (BPR) implement a new approval system, which simplifies the approval process for biocidal products.… Read More