Total Chemical Solutions is proud to offer a Bromine Granular product as a solution to quickly and safely sanitize your hot tub, spa or pool water. This product works in conjunction with our 20g Bromine Tablets.
The cleansing powers of bromine come from a combination of hydrogen and iodine molecules which dissolves quickly into the water creating slower but lower levels of treatment while also lessening any irritation for those who use it on a regular basis .
Bromamides create slow oxidation across the body’s surfaces + allow skin cells to more effectively contact chlorine molecule; This equation creates an effective chemical reaction that kills bacteria as well as other contaminants without using any recirculating chemicals! Unlike traditional tablet products, Total Chemical Solutions Brominating Granules are designed specifically to dissolve immediately in the water. We also offer a full line of spa chemicals for your pool or spa including: 20g Bromine Tablets, Ozone Generators and Spa Pool Cleaners!
As with any chemical test kits you are recommended to monitor water chemistry levels which include Total Alkalinity, pH, Total Hardness and bromine level whilst using this product. Total Chemical Solutions offers an array of testing products including, 6 in 1 test strips, photometers and more. Visit our website at to learn more about the other chemical solutions we offer today!!
**Bromine is a powerful sanitizer and must be used with professional equipment and handled by trained professionals** Bromine sanitizing Granular products are used as a sanitizer and shock treatment.
*Note: Total Chemical Solutions recommends consulting with a manufacturer representative or professional who handles spa water regularly to ensure proper dosage and application when using this product. Test kits will be required for a variety of reasons.
1. Maintain the pH balance between 7.4 – 7.6
2. On START UP and COMISSIONING of new water, use this product to Shock Dose the water to a minimum of 20 PPM with circulation / blowers on and all covers off.
3. Test the water with a BROMINE test kit, the ideal reading for Total Bromine is 4 – 6ppm
4. To increase the Total Bromine reading of the Spa or Hot Tub water by 1ppm add 3g of Spa Brominate Granules per 1000lts of water (note 300 gallons of water = 1363.8276 litres of water)
5. Spa Brominate Granules can be added directly to the water with circulation running and water temperature above 20°C.
6. If using this product to “Shock Dose” the water please wait a minimum of 40 minutes before bathing re-starts.
7. If you experience difficulties please contact your local dealer
• Always ensure bathers are out of the water when adding chemicals.
• Never mix with any other chemicals including cleaning products, weed killers and chlorine products, as a dangerous reaction may occur.
• Always handle products in a well-ventilated area.
• Always wash hands thoroughly after handling chemicals.
• Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated, secure place. Ensure chemicals do not become damp in storage.
• Instructions and dosages given are a guide to most effective use.
• This container must not be used or contaminated with any other materials.